Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Sail sighted.

"sail sighted off the port bow!"

"sail off the port bow!"

"Mister Roberts?"

"Yes captain?"

"Do you have an identity for the sail?'

"Mister Biggs says it is definitely a ship, but that's all that he can make out at this distance."

"Does she have much of a press of canvas?"

"Only rigged for light airs sir. Nothing more, looks like she is in no hurry."

"To which direction is she headed mister Roberts?"

"To the east sir. To the east."

"Mister Roberts I am coming up!"

"Are you sure that is wise sir?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing sir! I was only curious if the crows nest was the place a captain would be most needed."

"You let me worry about where I shall be of the most use. You content yourself with doing your job."
"Yes captain."

"Mister Roberts?"

"Yes captain?"

"Move out of the way please."

"Right away sir!"


"Mister Biggs?"

"Yes Cap`tn?''

"Use my glass and tell me what you can make out of the sail."

"oh no sir! I could not use such a fine glass as yours sir!"

"Come now mister Biggs your eyes are very much superior to my own. As is my glass superior to yours. By mating them together I feel we shall greatly increase the clarity with which you can determine the identity of the ship."

"Yes sir."

"Come now mister Biggs you are not required to treat my glass as a sacred object!"

"Yes sir!"


"What do you see mister Biggs? Can you determine the ships identity?"

"Mister Biggs the captain had asked you a question and it will not do for you to leave him unanswered"

"Nosir it would not."

"Well then are you going to answer the captain?"

"I am sir."

"Then do it for all love!"
"I can make out the ship sir. She looks to be only a small trader. Most likely one of ours rather than a Frenchman. Riding low in the water she is to."

"And she is heading to the east?"

"Yes captain that she is."

"Well then nothing we can do but move on then is there. Hope for richer pickings on our next stop."

"Yes sir!"

"Carry on then the both of you."

"Yes sir!" 

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